Last Date of Abstract Submission : 31st March 2023
Early Bird Registration : Till 24th May 2023
Last Date of Registration : 4th August 2023
Last Date for Full Paper Submission : 30th June 2023
Notification of Acceptance of Full Paper : 20th July 2023
Conference Dates : 24-26August 2023

Der Ätherius Kultur: Eine Internationale Organisation vereint Spirituell Männer & Damen auf einem kosmischen Ziel

Der Quick Version: 1954 wurde Dr. George King erhalten eine Notiz von noch nicht bekannt Aufforderung, Trost für alle nehmen und erweitern Menschen des Verständnisses des Markt. Der Typ gründete eine gemeinnützige Geschäft genannt The Aetherius Gemeinschaft zum Teilen Gebiet Abschnitt in den USA, Großbritannien, Kanada, Australischer Kontinent, Japan, Schweden, auch Ländern global. Von wöchentlich Gebetszeiten Unterrichtsstunden bis zu jährlichen Pilgerfahrten erschließt sich die Ätherius Gemeinschaft ein kosmisches Verständnis und spirituelle Energie das jenseits von Wahrnehmung.


Liebe ist tatsächlich mystische Kraft innerhalb Weltmarkt ansehen. Liebe Links Männer und Frauen, motiviert Schritte, und gibt anzeigt Millionen von|unzähligen|Dutzenden von|einer unglaublichen Anzahl von|vielen} Zeitplänen. Obwohl wir vielleicht nicht immer verstehen, ist Liebe ist wichtig mit dem Ätherius Kultur für Europäische Länder, kontrastiert gerne Trinkwasser in einem anderen von ihre Predigten: “auf die gleiche Weise Leben wie Sie vielleicht wissen es in der Welt würde niemals existieren ohne Flüssigkeit, absolut nichts von innen Universum ansehen, könnte existieren telepathische Marketing- und Vertriebskommunikation von einem höheren Alien Intelligenz. Der Typ glaubte es war ihre Verantwortung mit die optimistische Botschaft des Mitgefühls, Friedens, und Liebe.

Heute bietet der Ätherius Gemeinschaft tatsächlich Existenz in London, la, und mehrere Städte auf der ganzen Welt. Ihre Menschen häufig zusammenkommen, um verbreiten warm und heilen Energie in ihren Gemeinschaften und durch die ganze Welt. Wenn du denkst angezogen von diesem heiligen Ziel, du kannst gehe zu eine Vorlesung, an einer Pilgerreise teilnehmen oder sich auf eine andere Pilgerreise einlassen, die andere Genesung Traditionen von gemeinnützigen Unternehmen. Jeder andere, unabhängig ihrem einzigartigen Hintergrund oder Denken, ist Willkommen bei Sein teil Ein Teil von Bemühungen der Ätherius Gesellschaft Bemühungen ihr spirituelles Verständnis zu verbessern , mit Ätherius Kultur. “Wir sind genau hier zu versuchen und senden so viel hoch religiös Kraft für die Welt solange wir können. “

Dr. George King gegründet gründete die spirituelle Bewegung im Jahr 1955

In könnte 1954 eine E-Mail über Dr. George King, wer war ein Verständnis von Yoga und eine Trance mittlere, während er was at their dull in London. A gentle, yet company, voice outside their human anatomy thought to him: “Prepare yourself! You happen to be being the sound associated with the Interplanetary Parliament.”

Today, George had never ever heard of an interplanetary parliament, but the ethereal words remaining him stunned. The guy knew he previouslyn’t thought all of them, but the guy could not fathom what they intended. The guy spent the remainder of his existence endeavoring to appreciate the master plan established by that prophetic preliminary get in touch with. Although he could not explain precisely why, the guy mentioned he comprehended without question that he were contacted by an alien and powerful force to greatly help bring humankind back from brink of devastation.

By growing his religious comprehension and forging telepathic stations, George heard many other communications from extraterrestrial communicators, including a Venusian Master called the Aetherius, which is a Greek word definition tourist through the ether.

George formally began The Aetherius community in 1955. His objective were to distribute the lessons with the alien gods and lead others down a path of enlightenment and peace. The organization provides since grown into an international activity encompassing countless souls centered on living and loving on an increased religious amount.

You can read the wonderful tale of Dr. George King’s existence work here. As George themselves mentioned, “i actually do maybe not ask the unbeliever to believe at the same time, but only demand he applies what Aetherius states to his very own cause.”

Get a hold of Healing & factor on Pilgrimages to Holy Mountains

What ties members of The Aetherius Society collectively is a strong, heartfelt desire to help others and work out society a better place. People from all walks of life, from Quakers to atheists, find their way toward Aetherius Society. “our very own members come from variable backgrounds sufficient reason for numerous degrees of spiritual advancement,” Oscar mentioned, “even so they all show the inner knowledge or craving are of spiritual solution to everyone.”

The corporation allows you for newcomers to get involved by inviting these to attend divine solutions or prayer rituals. All week-long, people can immerse on their own inside the sermons, lectures, workshops, and religious undertakings associated with the Society. You can easily research events online and see whenever your local chapter convenes. The academic and friendly atmosphere promotes gents and ladies to indulge in the visualizations, mantras, and prayers dedicated to fostering world tranquility.

“It is all really positive,” Oscar informed us. “we now have lots of dynamic prayers and traditions used to cleanse the character and recover the entire world.”

Among the many Aetherius community’s most time-honored traditions is their pilgrimages to holy hills which contain large volumes of religious electricity. The corporation understands 19 hills faced with tremendous spiritual importance. Since 1959, a huge selection of members have actually traveled towards hills to recharge and advance their spirits.

During times during the situation, the culture draws from all of these holy websites to produce positive electricity into the globe to counterbalance natural disasters, wartime dispute, governmental upheavals, and other personal disasters.

“anyone of every degree of development can visit the mountains and practice a selfless work of solution to get hold of the religious energies included within it,” Oscar informed all of us. “the ability differs from one person to another, however it is usually extremely positive and beneficial. Individuals of all faiths, or no particular religion, tend to be welcome to join these pilgrimages.”

Open-Minded Individuals provide their own Understanding & Support

From Ca to Australia, numerous careful people have come to be fans regarding the Aetherius community and discovered typical floor with religious people that express comparable thinking. Occasionally the organization features also fostered committed romantic relationships.

Oscar told us the guy met their wife at an Aetherius Society event. She was a pal of 1 with the users and attended a surgical procedure Power Prayer event because she had been curious about the culture. The woman real interest and positive attitude caught Oscar’s attention. The guy informed all of us he values the woman capability to realize their philosophy and share his objectives.

Today they’re happily hitched and focused on similar reason for marketing tranquility across the world. “She understands the importance of helping humankind,” he stated. “the relationship has-been invaluable to my spiritual development. It’s been a blessing in many methods.”

Through Aetherius Society, many kind-hearted people have discovered neighborhood and company. The organization reduces barriers between men and women and motivates connecting on a higher spiritual airplane.

“It’s very vital today within background to create individuals together and achieve beyond borders,” Oscar mentioned. “the leader in The Aetherius culture’s theories is the fact that we have been one people, therefore we have to work more collectively.”

The Aetherius Society has Enlightenment Through Service

“appreciation is an all-permeating electricity, and that’s above brain,” Dr. George King as soon as mentioned in a sermon. “it’s the great electricity on the cosmos.”

Although George died in 1997, his essential message everyday lives in The Aetherius culture. The desire to-do great, share love, and unite mankind pushes the business ahead, nowadays another generation of religious folks have stepped-up to guide the Society into the 21st 100 years.

Through standard sermons, pilgrimages, and other holy undertakings, The Aetherius Society has actually furthered the religious journeys of a huge selection of individuals all over the world. Anybody can relate with folks in this community and locate importance within the theories of love, tranquility, and recognition.

“It is a cosmic mission, but it is open to everybody,” Oscar told us. “Our users, website visitors, and sympathizers share a desire to offer which help heal worldwide through a greater cosmic understanding of the market.”

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